At Least 9 Killed in Bomb Attack on Passenger Vans Carrying Shi'a Muslims

    Image copyright: Associated Press [via NBC News]

    The Facts

    • At least 9 people were killed and 13 injured when bombs exploded in two passenger vans in the northern Afghanistan city of Mazar-e-Sharif on Thursday.

    • Both vans attacked were operated by and carrying local Shi'a Muslims. The minority group in Afghanistan is a frequent target of Sunni militant groups, including ISIS.

    The Spin

    Narrative A

    Darkness has reigned in Afghanistan since the Taliban took over. These latest attacks are just one example of escalating violence, especially against women and minority groups. The crisis is untenable and the world needs to take notice - especially the US, who are responsible for the Taliban takeover.

    Narrative B

    The violence in Afghanistan is heartbreaking and completely unacceptable. However, it is no longer the responsibility of the US to maintain peace. US forces have pulled out. Other countries in the region, like Pakistan, have much more at stake to help secure stability in Afghanistan.

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