Biden to Appoint First Native American Treasurer

    Image copyright: National Institutes of Health [via CNN]

    The Facts

    • US Pres. Biden announced Tues. his intention to appoint Mohegan Tribe Chief Marilynn Malerba as US treasurer.

    • Malerba's appointment will mark the first time in US history that a Native American woman will hold the position and have her signature on US currency.

    The Spin

    Right narrative

    While diversity is needed, Biden's laser focus on it risks heading into the dangerous territory of disqualifying capable candidates in the name of inclusion. It's ironic that the push for inclusion often results in the exclusion of those who aren't "diverse" enough.

    Left narrative

    The US was founded on Native lands, and has historically disenfranchised and oppressed indigenous people. The appointment of Malerba is an important step in making sure Native voices are respected. This appointment shows Biden's commitment to Tribal Nations.

    Public figures in this story

    Political split



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