CDC Eases Mask Guidance for 70% of US Population

    Image copyright: Time

    The Facts

    • On Friday, the CDC introduced a revised county-level system for mask guidance based on new COVID cases, hospitalizations, and hospital capacity.

    • 70% of the US population is located within counties that have "low-to-medium community transmission" under this system.

    The Spin

    Left narrative

    It's too soon to unmask. Millions of people in the US are immunocompromised or too young for the vaccine. All Americans should continue to mask up in indoor public settings regardless of their vaccination status to protect the vulnerable.

    Right narrative

    This is a welcome change, which is consistent with the science. Most people been vaccinated and/or infected by Omicron. New therapies are also around the corner, and anyone still concerned about COVID has more tools in their toolkits -- including high-quality masks -- to make informed individual choices going forward.

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