Deadly Floods Swamp Australia's East Coast

    Image copyright: Jason O'Brien/AAP [via Fox News]

    The Facts

    • Australia's east coast has faced severe flooding, after several days of unrelenting rainfall.

    • Up to 8 people are thought to have died in the country's third-most populous city, Brisbane.

    • Emergency crews have made more than 130 swift-water rescues in 24 hrs as over 2k homes have been submerged.

    The Spin

    Narrative A

    This same region has already been hit by ruinous wildfires. Predictions that climate change will precipitate in more extreme weather events are coming true and more must be done to fight it.

    Narrative B

    It's easy to dismiss any extreme weather event as a consequence of climate change, but in reality they're usually influenced by a myriad of factors that have nothing to do with it. More research is needed before we can establish any direct causal link between the two.

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