DeSantis Signs Bill to Create Election Police Force

    Image copyright: AP [via CBS News]

    The Facts

    • On Mon., FL Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill to create a police force dedicated to pursuing voter fraud and other election crimes.

    • The bill requires the state's voter rolls to be annually reviewed to remove ineligible voters, tighten voter ID requirements, and increase penalties for some election-related crimes. It also establishes the Office of Election Crimes and Security, which investigates election law violations.

    • The bill also prevents election supervisors from receiving so-called "Zuckerbucks" - referring to 2020 funding from the Zuckerberg-Chan Initiative, founded by Facebook and Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, to support election operations during the COVID pandemic.

    The Spin

    Left narrative

    Election cops are a sign of a dystopian world tarnished by Trump's lies. DeSantis's shameful plan will intimidate and suppress voters. This is a chilling development as DeSantis gears up to possibly run for President.

    Right narrative

    If Democrats are serious that "every vote counts," then they should support measures that uphold ballot integrity. This bill isn't perfect, but the sum of its provisions are designed to safeguard free and fair elections for all.

    Cynical narrative

    DeSantis praised the way the 2020 election was held in Florida, but it's election season and he's next in line if Trump doesn't run for the 2024 nomination; he's simply catering to the base after CPAC's straw poll showed 90% of attendees thought Biden cheated to win.

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