G20 Summit: Xi Rebukes Trudeau Over 'Leaks' To Media

Image copyright: Reuters [via Financial Times]

The Facts

  • On the sidelines of the G20 summit in Bali, Indonesia, Chinese Pres. Xi Jinping appeared to confront Canadian PM Justin Trudeau during a camera-recorded encounter released on Wednesday about alleged indiscretions following a meeting the day before.

  • In the short clip, Xi, speaking through an interpreter, accused Trudeau of having "leaked" details of an earlier conversation to the media. "That's not appropriate," the Chinese leader says to Trudeau, adding, "that's not the way the conversation was conducted."

The Spin

Anti-China narrative

Xi's undiplomatic behavior and his accusation that Trudeau "leaked" the joint conversation to the media lack any basis since the alleged "leak" was a standard readout from the PM's office. Moreover, why should Trudeau feel obligated to maintain secrecy when China is likely interfering in Canada's elections? If Trudeau can be accused of anything, it's of being too soft on Beijing.

Pro-China narrative

Given the West's characteristic disrespect displayed by Trudeau's indiscretion, Xi's anger is not surprising. Add to this the fact that China is being accused by Canada — a junior partner of the US — of interfering in the 2019 elections without presenting evidence. Beijing would like to see fruitful dialogue and good bilateral relations with Canada, but these must be based on mutual respect.

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