Israeli Forces Kill Two in West Bank Clash

    Image copyright: Getty Images [via The Wall Street Journal]

    The Facts

    • On Thurs., Israeli forces raided the Jenin refugee camp in the West Bank, killing two Palestinians and injuring 15.

    • Israeli military say they entered Jenin to arrest 3 suspects in response to an attack on Tues. when a Palestinian man from a village near Jenin shot and killed 5 people in central Israel.

    • The Israeli military indicates that 31 Palestinians were arrested during Thursday's raid and one Israeli soldier was injured.

    The Spin

    Pro-Palestine narrative

    Israel's raid of the West Bank is a clear attempt to escalate tensions as Ramadan approaches and will only increase the Palestinian resistance. Ben-Gvir's tour of the Temple Mount adds fire to the flames and is a clear act of aggression towards Palestinians.

    Pro-Israel narrative

    Israel has met with Jordanian and Palestinian leaders to de-escalate tensions in the lead up to the rare convergence of Ramadan, Passover and Easter. However, the recent outbreak of violence across Israel makes this increasingly difficult. Israel must protect its citizens. The raid on Thurs. was necessary to apprehend terrorists and prevent further attacks.

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