Israeli Police Demolish Palestinian Home in Sheikh Jarrah

Image copyright: Al Jazeera

The Facts

  • Israeli police raided and demolished the home of a Palestinian family in the sensitive Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of East Jerusalem on Wednesday night.

  • The operation began on Monday but faced resistance from the family and supporters, who took to the roof and threatened self-immolation.

  • The demolition came after months of legal disputes going up to the Israeli Supreme Court, which have been the center of protests, violence and international attention.

The Spin

Establishment-critical narrative

This is a war crime and violation of international law, stemming from vengefulness. The special needs school is simply a pretext for creating a Jewish majority in the disputed territory.

Pro-establishment narrative

The house was built illegally and was demolished following a court order. The school and sports fields that will replace it will benefit the Arab community.

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