Jeffries Announces Candidacy for House Democratic Leader

Jeffries Announces Candidacy for House Democratic Leader
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The Facts

  • On Friday, Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) announced his bid to replace Nancy Pelosi as Democratic leader in the US House, one day after the current House Speaker announced she would not be re-seeking the position.

  • Jeffries, who, if elected, would become the first Black leader of a political party in Congress in history, made his case for the post in letters sent to his colleagues outlining his plan for Democrats’ move to House minority.

The Spin

Democratic narrative

A new day is dawning, and Jeffries is the best person to lead the party forward, not just because of the historic nature of his ascension to the post of leader but because of what he stands for. Jeffries will keep the caucus united and make sure it focuses both on legislating and working toward returning to the majority in 2024.

Republican narrative

The Democrats aren’t doing themselves any favors in their rush to make sure they make history with their leadership election. Jeffries is supposed to be a moderate establishment representative, but time and again, he’s practiced identity politics to divide the nation, subscribing to every conspiracy theory attached to Republicans and former Pres. Donald Trump.

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