Ken Starr, Clinton Whitewater Prosecutor, Dies at 76

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The Facts

  • On Tuesday, Ken Starr, the prosecutor who led the Whitewater investigation into former Pres. Bill Clinton and First Lady Hillary Clinton, died at the age of 76. His family stated that he died in Houston, Texas of complications from surgery.

  • Starr was well known for his role as independent counsel in the Whitewater investigation, which resulted in the president's impeachment. The investigation's findings spurred the House of Representatives to charge Clinton with perjury and obstruction of justice for lying about his affair with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky.

The Spin

Right narrative

Ken Starr was a great lawyer who was determined to complete his work while maintaining his dignity and honor. He remained calm and confident through controversy after controversy. He will forever be remembered for his faith, quick wit, and devotion to family.

Left narrative

Ken Starr was a staunch conservative who made a name for himself by defending opponents of same-sex marriage, seeking to secure constitutional immunity for Blackwater, a mercenary firm accused of slaughtering unarmed civilians in Fallujah, and defending many other questionable clients, including sexual predator Jeffrey Epstein. Though his death is sad news, he will inevitably be remembered for turning a blind eye to sexual predation and defending the indefensible.

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