Mormon Church Backs US Same-Sex Marriage Law

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The Facts

  • On Tuesday, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints announced support for the "Respect for Marriage Act," which aims to protect same-sex marriage rights under federal law.

  • The group said that while the church's doctrine that marriage is between a man and a woman would continue, they would support the rights of same-sex couples as long as it doesn't restrict religious groups' rights to believe what they want as well.

The Spin

Republican narrative

Resorting to its overused tactic of fearmongering, Democrats are fabricating issues in an attempt to bolster support. Same-sex marriage is already a legal reality in all 50 states. This bill only serves to distract from the real challenges America faces: soaring inflation, an over-burdened border, the war in Ukraine, and record crime.

Democratic narrative

This bill is a proactive measure to enshrine the fundamental right to marriage into federal law, and the Mormon church's stance reflects the pluralistic society we live in today. It's encouraging that the church is working toward preserving both their own religious freedom while also working to protect the rights of LGBTQ+ people.

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