SCOTUS Blocks Revised State Map for Wisconsin

    SCOTUS Blocks Revised State Map for Wisconsin
    Image copyright: AFP/Getty [via Forbes]

    The Facts

    • The Wisconsin legislative map has been rejected by the US Supreme Court, after Republican legislators challenged the redraw on the grounds that it violated the Equal Protection Clause of the Voting Rights Act.

    • The decision overturned the ruling of the WI State Supreme Court and struck down the redistricting plans of Democratic Governor Tony Evers, with the two dissenting judges Sotomayor and Kagan calling the court's action unprecedented.

    The Spin

    Left narrative

    The decision is a devastating blow for African Americans in Wisconsin, with the Supreme Court deliberately interpreting a confusing array of legal doctrines in favour of conservative politics. It is further evidence that congressional maps giving more power to black voters are less popular with SCOTUS than redistricting that dilutes the influence of minorities.

    Right narrative

    SCOTUS ruled according to redistricting law. Gov. Tony Evers drew up new districts that elevated proportionality above all other factors and were gerrymandered based on race. By overturning the districts, the Supreme Court has limited the ability of the Dems to utilize the VRA for political gain.

    Establishment-critical narrative

    Both Democrats and Republicans gerrymander massively, making American democracy far from fair. Election laws should change.

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