Spain: Runners Gored at Pamplona Bull Run

Image copyright: AFP/Getty Images [via NY Post]

The Facts

  • On Mon. the fifth bull run at the San Fermín Festival in the city of Pamplona, Spain, left three people gored and three others injured from falls.

  • The bull run lasted just over three minutes with spectators running alongside the bulls through the streets. The run ended at the bullring where the bulls were later killed by professional bullfighters.

The Spin

Establishment-critical narrative

An overwhelming majority of Spaniards don't attend these barbaric, pre-historic events that not only celebrate animal abuse, but also put participants at risk. Spanish authorities must stop catering to the global spectators for money and put an end to this unnecessary cruelty.

Pro-establishment narrative

Bullfighting is extremely popular in Spain and is part of the nation's cultural heritage. The sport is lawful, and any attempt to ban it violates the cultural traditions and celebrations of Spanish heritage.

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