Trucker Protests: Weapons Seized in Canada; Convoys in Belgium, Israel, US

Image copyright: Reuters [via the Washington Post]

The Facts

  • Canadian RCMP arrested 11 on Monday at protests near the border of Coutts and Montana, confiscating firearms, ammunition, and body armor. Separately, a tractor and semi-truck attempted to ram a police car.

  • The Ambassador Bridge linking Ontario and Detroit has reopened, with police making 46 arrests and removing 37 vehicles since the protest began.

The Spin

Left narrative

Freedom Convoys have become a grab bag of right-wing grievances spreading from Canada to Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and Israel. In the US, the convoys are a circus of Neo-Nazis, Stop the Steal, Q'anon, Fox News stars, GOP personalities, and grifters hawking merchandise and cryptocurrency. It's unclear how organized this will actually become, but for now it sounds a lot like Jan 6.

Right narrative

These Freedom Convoys are the most successful human rights protests in a generation. Working class people are resisting elitist and authoritarian COVID policies. These are not "insurrectionists" and "Neo-Nazis"--this is an organic blue collar movement. Trudeau's tyrannical policies are being pushed back, and leftist leaders like Biden had better take note.

Political split



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