US Capitol Prepares for Freedom Convoy Ahead of State of Union

    Image copyright: Getty Images [via Axios]

    The Facts

    • Washington DC Capitol Police and the Secret Service are planning to secure the Capitol Building ahead of a possible "Freedom Convoy" protest expected around the time of Biden's Mar 1 State of the Union address.

    • The security plan could include reinstalling the fencing that was used following the Jan 6 riots.

    The Spin

    Left narrative

    Freedom Convoys have come to represent a grab bag of right-wing grievances. The convoys are a circus of Neo-Nazis, Stop the Steal, QAnon, Fox News stars, GOP personalities, and grifters hawking merchandise and cryptocurrency. It's unclear how organized this will actually become, but for now it sounds a lot like Jan 6.

    Right narrative

    These Freedom Convoys are the most successful human rights protests in a generation. Working class people are resisting elitist and authoritarian COVID policies. These are not "insurrectionists" or "Neo-Nazis"--this is an organic blue collar movement. In Canada, tyrannical policies are being pushed back, and Biden had better take note.

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