Dallas Mayor Switches to Republican Party

Dallas Mayor Switches to Republican Party
Image copyright: Wikimedia Commons

The Facts

  • Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson, who won 98.7% of the vote in his re-election campaign earlier this year as a Democrat, has changed his party affiliation to Republican.

  • Johnson, who spent a decade as a Democrat in the Texas House of Representatives, announced his decision in a Friday op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, in which he wrote "the future of America's great urban centers depends on" mayors focusing on “law and order” and adhering to fiscal conservatism.

The Spin

Republican narrative

Johnson might as well change his political affiliation considering how much of his success as Dallas mayor has come through policies that are distinctly Republican — including being an advocate for law enforcement, creating a palatable environment for businesses, and focusing on infrastructure. Dallas is moving in the opposite direction from the crumbling Democrat-led cities that are imposing radical left policies.

Democratic narrative

What a betrayal of voters this is, and it’s a sneaky move by Johnson to wait until he was reelected to announce his new affiliation. Johnson’s switch, though, won’t change the fact that Dallas and the surrounding county are devoted Democrats who back Pres. Biden and what the party has to offer them.

Political split



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