Hearing on Mexican Lawsuit Against US Gun Dealers Canceled

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    The Facts

    • A US appeals court has canceled a hearing on Mexico's $10B lawsuit against US gun dealers scheduled for Monday in an Arizona court, according to Mexico's foreign ministry. The ministry says the judge assigned to the case is considering recusing herself.

    • This is the second of two similar lawsuits, with Mexico claiming US gun manufacturers are liable for gun violence in Mexico, arguing that the companies are aware their guns are smuggled into the country for cartel-related violence.

    The Spin

    Right narrative

    Gun makers in the US are not responsible for Mexico's sorry state. The Mexican government's mismanagement and inability to crackdown on their cartels and US policy failures are the sole causes of the horrific violence in the country. America cannot allow a foreign country to cripple its gun market with their flimsy legal reasoning, with the backing of blue state anti-gun zealots.

    Left narrative

    The epidemic of gun violence is not isolated to the US, as its lax gun control allows weapons to flow south of the border to fuel an already devastating drug war. Gun makers know that the vast majority of weapons used by the cartels come from the US, and are hiding behind a statute to shield themselves from liability. The courts can and must hold them accountable for the harm that they have caused.

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