Maryland Report Reveals 'Staggering' Church Sex Abuse

Image copyright: aljazeera

The Facts

  • Maryland Attorney General (AG) Anthony Brown’s office released a 450-page report Wednesday identifying 158 priests accused of abusing over 600 victims since the 1940s. The report indicated the number of victims is likely higher as it largely examined cases before 2002.

  • The highly-anticipated report into the nation’s oldest diocese says the abuse spanned much of Maryland, and some parishes, schools, and congregations had multiple abusers at the same time, including St. Mark Parish in Catonsville which housed 11 abusers from 1964 to 2004.

The Spin

Narrative A

Words cannot adequately describe the abhorrent, despicable, and repeated abuses committed by the Baltimore Catholic Archdiocese, and it has taken far too long to hold its members accountable. Hundreds of innocent victims were abused in the most unimaginable ways by faith leaders, and the institution covered up these acts for decades. We can never allow this to happen in the future and everyone involved in this scandal must be held accountable.

Narrative B

The Baltimore Archdiocese is profoundly remorseful about the actions depicted in the Attorney General's report, and it prays for the healing of all survivors. The evil acts committed by past Church members are not representative of the Church today, and there have been many turning points over the past few decades to remove all abusers. The Archdiocese will work tirelessly to help survivors and create a healing environment.

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