Ukrainian Pres. Volodymyr Zelenskyy sacked the commander of the country's medical forces over the weekend. In his nightly address on Sunday, Zelenskyy said that Tetiana Ostashchenko was dismissed after a request from Defense Minister Rustem Umierov.
Umierov said on Facebook that the reason for the dismissal was "obvious" to all who served in Ukraine's defense forces. "These problems were discussed many times," he said. "It is time to solve the issues of medical supplies for our soldiers."
Ostashchenko has served her country well, but changes are needed in order to enact fundamental reform in how Ukraine treats its soldiers. The overhaul will include modernizing how Ukraine tracks its medical supplies, as well as increasing training to further improve treatment.
After reports suggested that Ostashchenko failed to order any new first aid kits for 2023, in addition to reports that said medical equipment ordered from abroad was not adequately checked and was often faulty, a growing number of paramedics and medical staff have called on her to go. It was clear she had to be dismissed.