US Court: Teacher’s MAGA Hat is Protected Speech

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The Facts

  • A US appeals court found that Eric Dodge, a teacher in Washington state, had his First Amendment rights violated when a principal asked him not to wear a “Make America Great Again” hat — a reference to former Pres. Trump's slogan — to school.

  • In its Dec. 29 ruling, the court found that Dodge was conveying a message as a private citizen when he wore the hat at Wy’east Middle School and, despite an adverse reaction from some of his colleagues, didn't cause a “tangible disruption” to school activities.

The Spin

Pro-Trump narrative

The only disruption at this school came from Dodge’s colleagues. Former Pres. Trump conjured up “Make America Great” as a patriotic message, and while others are free to oppose it or interpret it how they like, they have no right to stifle Dodge’s Constitutional right to free speech.

Democratic narrative

There’s much more meaning under the surface to the “Make America Great Again” slogan than Trump supporters will admit, and it's indisputable that it insults a large number of the population. While there may be a First Amendment right to wear the hat, there’s also a right to be offended by it and simply request it not be worn in a public workspace.

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