Watchdog Groups: Investigate Technology Behind AI Systems

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The Facts

  • 13 artificial intelligence (AI) watchdog groups have written to their respective European regulators to urge them to investigate the underlying technology that powers chatbots such as ChatGPT.

  • The groups also urged US Pres. Biden to commence research into the technology and its potential harm to humanity.

The Spin

Narrative A

Western lawmakers’ ignorance on this topic has put countries well behind in their regulation of AI. Laws like those proposed in Europe are a good start, but the public also deserves to know exactly how these companies make the systems they've released into the world. AI is a technology that can pose an existential risk and requires serious intervention by the public sector.

Narrative B

AI is actually not new — it's been used to convenience consumers for years now. Although there’s always the potential for human abuse, combatting the issue doesn't necessarily require over-regulation. AI instead requires a more nuanced understanding of the promise and context of evolving technology by the public.

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