Report: Israel Has 'Basically Accepted' Gaza Cease-Fire Framework

    Report: Israel Has 'Basically Accepted' Gaza Cease-Fire Framework
    Image copyright: Amir Levy/Stringer/Getty Images News via Getty Images

    The Facts

    • A senior US official told reporters on Saturday that Israel has "basically accepted" a framework deal for a six-week cease-fire in Gaza that would allow the most vulnerable hostages — women, the elderly and the wounded — to be released and further humanitarian aid into the enclave.

    • This comes as truce negotiations are expected to resume in Cairo on Sunday, just one week ahead of the Ramadan deadline Israel has set for an offensive into Rafah if Hamas doesn't free its hostages.

    The Spin

    Pro-establishment narrative

    Despite America's all-out efforts to both ensure Hamas' military capabilities can be destroyed while preventing regional escalation, the war in Gaza has gone too far. Israel must be willing to follow through on its promises and compromise as needed so that another extended truce can take effect, which will hopefully lead to a more permanent resolution to this conflict.

    Pro-Palestine narrative

    With the sole purpose of adding to the pressure on Hamas as the holy month of Ramadan approaches, Washington has hyped up this framework deal as well as the alleged Israeli endorsement to it. Reality, however, tells a completely different story: disagreement persists and it's even unclear whether an Israel delegation will attend the next round of talks in Egypt. Meanwhile, Israeli genocide in Palestine continues.

    Pro-Israel narrative

    There isn't a single Israeli that doesn't want a hostage release deal to bring their countrymen back from the Gaza Strip, but popular pressure on the government has only enabled Hamas terrorists to put forward a list of maximalist demands time and time again. Now, the nation must show unity to deliver a resounding message that negotiations can't progress at any price.

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