Commission: Replace Confederate Names for 9 US Army Bases

Image copyright: Getty Images [via Daily Wire]

The Facts

  • A congressional commission has recommended renaming nine US Army bases that are currently named after Confederate officers to recognize people that the commission states "embody the best of the United States Army and America."

  • Some of the people the commission recommends naming the bases after include World War I and II heroes, the country's first female Medal of Honor winner, and a helicopter pilot credited with rescuing 29 South Vietnamese troops in 1969, among others.

The Spin

Right narrative

This is nothing more than a cancel culture exercise that's flawed and inconsistent. We can't judge people who lived 150 years ago by modern standards. The renaming is an effort to deliberately destroy America's past - and for "woke" leaders to flex their powers to make it happen.

Left narrative

The commission's recommendations cover a diverse swath of Americans, including women and minorities, who are two long-ignored populations that have served or supported the army since its inception. It's about time the Army stops honoring treasonous Confederate generals and instead highlights those who've dedicated their lives to serving in it.

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