Day 244 Roundup: UN Watchdog to Visit Sites Amid 'Dirty Bomb' Claims; Democrats Press Biden to Engage with Russia

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The Facts

  • Amid Russian allegations that it has evidence that Ukraine is preparing to use a "dirty bomb" which it presented to a closed-door meeting of the UN Security Council on Tuesday, the UN's nuclear watchdog — the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) — said it would send inspectors to two locations in Ukraine at Kyiv's request.

  • According to Russian news outlet RIA Novosti, Moscow's allegations center around two locations — the Eastern Mineral Enrichment Plant in the central Dnipropetrovsk region and the Institute for Nuclear Research in Kyiv. The IAEA didn't specify which sites it would visit.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

Russia's allegations of a "dirty bomb" are transparently false. This is a ploy being utilized by the Kremlin to justify a drastic escalation of the war.

Pro-Russia narrative

Russia has collected evidence to back up its claims and it's prepared to provide this to Western countries. These allegations should be taken seriously.

Metaculus Prediction

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