On Mon., Mexican Pres. López Obrador announced that he won't attend the Summit of the Americas this week, keeping his promise to boycott the meeting unless all countries in the hemisphere were invited.
Instead, Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard will represent the country in the leaders' meetings that will start on Wed., following lower level gatherings on Tuesday.
The conference of Americas is expressly reserved for democratically elected leaders. By excluding Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela, Biden is sending a clear and pointed message that the US doesn't tolerate and will not negotiate with authoritarian regimes known for their human rights abuses.
The conference is meant to promote Western ideals of liberty, prosperity and security. Biden, however, is signaling the opposite. While there's no doubt of the abusive and murderous track records of the three excluded countries, this summit would've given the US the chance to confront the regimes with moral clarity, while promoting democracy and the rule of law. Biden has squandered a valuable opportunity.