German Judge Sentenced for Striking Down School Mask Mandates

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The Facts

  • A German judge who struck down mask mandates in two schools in 2021 has been handed a two-year suspended prison sentence for obstruction of justice, costing the judge his career and his pension.

  • Prosecutors say Judge Christian Dettmar “perverted the law” when he ruled against the state of Thuringia’s COVID measures requiring school children to wear masks, distance themselves, and be subjected to COVID tests. Dettmar’s order ended the requirements in two schools in Weimar.

The Spin

Establishment-critical narrative

The ruling against Judge Christian Dettmar is a true mask-off moment for the authoritarian regime in Germany, which, along with many other “Western democracies,” seems determined to control its citizens. Contrary to the allegations, Dettmar based his ruling on scientific evidence that shows the negative impacts of lockdowns and masks on young children and is now having his livelihood compromised.

Pro-establishment narrative

Judge Christian Dettmar overstepped his bounds as a family court judge when he ruled on the legality of safety measures in schools. More importantly, he perverted justice when he allowed his political biases to interfere with his rulings. Dettmar had an agenda and used his position as a judge to orchestrate a case that would see it fulfilled.

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