Peru Launches 'Genocide' Probe After Deadly Protests

Image copyright: AFP/Getty Images [via The Guardian]

The Facts

  • Peru's attorney general's office said Tuesday it had filed investigations against Pres. Dina Boluarte on charges of "genocide, qualified homicide and serious injuries," along with Prime Minister Alberto Otárola, Defense Minister Jorge Chávez, and Interior Minister Victor Rojas.

  • It also announced probes targeting former Prime Minister Pedro Angulo and former Interior Minister César Cervantes for their role in addressing the protests, both of whom served briefly in the Boluarte government.

The Spin

Establishment-critical narrative

Through its brutal actions, the Boluarte regime forfeited any legitimacy to lead the divided country. Even curfews cannot keep impoverished Peruvians from standing up for Castillo and democracy. The fury is justified since it was Washington that orchestrated the coup against Castillo to secure US corporate and geopolitical interests. It is time for US imperialism and its increasingly repressive Peruvian puppet government to accept reality and return Peru to the Peruvians.

Pro-establishment narrative

Boluarte has the right to continue Castillo's remaining term after his failed coup attempt. While most Peruvians supported Castillo's ouster and arrest, it is nevertheless true that Boluarte has so far failed to quell general public discontent and stabilize the situation. While the protests have included acts of vandalism and looting, which no government in the world would stand idly by, Boluarte must now ensure that the security forces' crackdown does not escalate further. Otherwise, her days in office are likely numbered.

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