Ronna McDaniel Out at NBC After Anchors Object to Hiring

    Ronna McDaniel Out at NBC After Anchors Object to Hiring
    Image copyright: Anna Moneymaker/Staff/Getty Images News via Getty Images North America

    The Facts

    • Former Republican National Committee (RNC) chairwoman Ronna McDaniel has been ousted from her role at NBC News just days after joining the network, amid public objections from prominent employees.

    • In an email Tuesday announcing the ouster, NBCUniversal Group chairman Cesar Conde said that leadership listened to the "legitimate concerns" of many NBC hosts, also apologizing to the "team members who felt we let them down.”

    The Spin

    Left narrative

    NBC made a mistake in hiring Ronna McDaniel, but the network quickly acknowledged the complaints of key hosts. While media networks may want to have both sides of the political spectrum represented, a news outlet’s primary obligation is to truth and integrity. McDaniel still refuses to condemn false claims that led to the Jan. 6 insurrection, making her a clear threat to democracy. NBC should have never entertained the idea of platforming such a figure.

    Right narrative

    Ronna McDaniel tried to make a deal with the devil by joining Democrat-allied NBC, and she quickly found out that capitulating to the left never pays off. McDaniel went out of her way to parrot left-wing talking points about Pres. Trump and the GOP, yet it wasn’t enough for the corporate media network. This should serve as a lesson that mainstream media will not tolerate any conservative viewpoint, not even from the most cynically "centrist" RINOS (Republicans in Name Only).

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