Jan. 6 Committee Subpoenas Social Media Giants

Image copyright: freebeacon

The Facts

  • The Jan. 6 Committee has subpoenaed Reddit, Twitter and the parent companies of Google and Facebook.

  • The Committee stated that the companies had "inadequate responses" to requests for information on their role in the events surrounding Jan 6.

The Spin

Left narrative

These companies have long been obscuring their role in the spread of disinformation and hate speech - they have fuelled the actions of the far-right.

Right narrative

Social media companies blatantly censor conservative views. Democrats should be defending freedom of speech, but instead stand silent with their Big Tech allies.

Cynical narrative

These social media giants have baked polarization into their lucrative algorithms. and wield too much power. Neither the left not the right grasps that it is near impossible to properly regulate Silicon Valley.

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